Leader vs Boss

1. Leaders lead rather than rule
Troops will have respect towards leader compare to boss. They really want to work with leader because leader will always be there to lead them.

2. Leaders listen and speak rather than command
For bosses, they will give orders and they want their employees to obey their orders. For leaders they will be there to listen to their employees and discuss to come up with a better results.

3.Leaders motivate rather than terrify
Leaders will always discuss with their troops or employees. Employees will feel ease to be around leader. Boss always terrify their employees. They think whatever they did will not satisfy them.

4. Leaders take apart rather than stay aside
Leaders will take initiative to complete the task together. They will watch and stay for the progress os work. While boss will just give order and wait for the results.

5. Leaders establish equal relationship
When working with boss, you know how it feel when he choose to be only with his favourite workers. Leaders will give equal relationship because they know how hard their employees work for them.

by Husni 
sources Google


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